(818) 953-5300


I recently sat down with my friend Morgan to talk about many different topics, including the story of how I started in the real estate business.

Here’s an outline of our full conversation, with timestamps so that you can skip around to the section(s) that interest you the most:

0:20- How I got started in the real estate business back in the '70s

1:35- Some of the early struggles I experienced in my career

2:33- How I overcame these struggles and frustrations

3:40- The moment I knew when real estate was the right path for me

4:27- How and why I got started building my team

5:15- Sharing some wisdom that I’ve gained in my 40+ year career

6:08- My advice for new agents in the business

6:55- Wrapping things up

If you have any questions for me about the business or real estate in general, it would be my pleasure to answer them. Just call or email me today.