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Spring is in the air here in LA! If you’re thinking of listing your home during the hot real estate season, or if you just want to freshen up your home a little bit, now’s the time to get started with a little spring cleaning. Not sure where to begin? We’ve got you covered.

Easy Spring Cleaning Tips to Freshen Up!

The thought of doing an entire “spring cleaning” might be a little overwhelming, but it can actually be a manageable project if you give yourself plenty of time and have a plan! Here are some spring cleaning tips to get you started.

Get creative with household cleaners

spring cleaning tips and supplies

spring cleaning tips and supplies

This spring, nix the chemicals and go all-natural with some easy DIY cleaners you probably already have in your house. Try using baking soda on stainless steel sinks, white vinegar on shower heads, or even lemon juice on sink faucets.

You can also clean a microwave using lemon juice (heated in water for three minutes). Or try newspaper on windows and mirrors (just mix vinegar, water, and soap, then scrub with newspaper).

Do some decluttering

decluttering and spring cleaning tips

decluttering and spring cleaning tips

There’s no better time for a fresh start than spring, so start fresh by getting rid of things you don’t need or use! Take some time to go through your home, room by room, closet by closet, to separate out the things you use from those you don’t. Once you’ve sorted, lighten the load by donating or hosting a yard sale.

Improve your organization

organizing closets

organizing closets

Even after you nix the unused items in your house, you can still feel a bit cluttered if you’re not organized. Try upping your organization with unique storage solutions. In your fridge or cabinets, you might try adding a Lazy Susan for space optimization. If your dresser drawers are a mess, try stacking folded clothes vertically for ease of access. You might even consider adding a storage ottoman or other double-use furniture to really optimize smaller spaces.

Empty & clean your kitchen

spring cleaning the fridge

spring cleaning the fridge

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so it probably sees a lot of use—even if you’re not a gourmet chef. That being said, your kitchen also probably has a lot of lurking grime; take an afternoon to give it a deep clean.

Start by emptying out your fridge, getting rid of any old, expired, or forgotten foods and condiments, and wiping down shelves and drawers. Next, do the same with cabinets, cleaning and dusting even the back corners.

Then, move all your appliances (yes, fridge and stove, too) to ensure there aren’t any lingering dust bunnies or oversized crumbs. Clean off countertops and wipe down the outsides of all cabinets. Once you’ve gotten everything wiped down, vacuum and mop all the remaining residue from the floor.

Don’t forget the windows

cleaning the windows

cleaning the windows

Windows often escape those regular home cleanings (dusting, vacuuming, mopping, wiping), so don’t forget to give them a little spring cleaning love. Spray down windows with a mixture of ¼ cup white vinegar, 2 cups water, and 2 teaspoons liquid soap, and scrub with a newspaper for a streak-free shine… and really let in that beautiful spring sunshine!

Give your furniture some attention

spring cleaning furniture

spring cleaning furniture

Your furniture probably needs a little springtime attention, too! Strip down all bedding, flip your mattresses, and break out the spring sheets. Then, wipe, wash, or clean your furniture—there are some DIY home remedies for couches and cushions, too. Just be sure to check labels on upholstered furniture to ensure you’re not using water on dry-clean-only items.

Dust the hard-to-reach places, too

spring cleaning ceiling fans

spring cleaning ceiling fans

Hard-to-reach places, like ceiling fans or vaulted ceilings, are often easily neglected because they’re out of the way and, well, hard to reach! Don’t forget them this spring—just wrap a towel over a broom and dust away!

Ready to Freshen Up Your Home for Spring Home Selling?

Are you thinking of selling a home in Los Angeles this spring? Let Brad Korb Real Estate Group help you! Contact us today to learn more about how we can guide you through the selling process, from pricing to staging to listing to closing.