(818) 953-5300


What’s the difference between working on a team and working as an independent agent?

I’ve been in real estate for over 40 years, so I’ve had time to build up our marketing department. Having access to our marketing would really help agents who join us to build up their book of business. I’ve been sending out my private newspaper for over 17 years now, and it has a circulation of over 26,000 each month. We also send out “Just Sold” cards that show all the properties we’ve sold in the area.

Being on a team is much easier and will help you find success faster.

We’ve also accumulated a database of over 20,000 past clients who will come back to us when they need to buy, trade, or sell; they might even refer their friends and family who need assistance to us.

I’m here to help you become successful in the real estate business. My daughter Courtney has been with me for over nine years. I also have two pod leaders who will mentor you, in addition to Courtney and myself. It’ll be my pleasure to help you make a six-figure income so that you can do wonderful things for yourself, your family, and your loved ones.

A solo agent has to balance all the different aspects of the real estate process on their own, which is a lot for one person to handle. Being on a team is much easier and will help you find success faster.

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a part of the Brad Korb Real Estate Group, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.