(818) 953-5300


We’re sharing the latest news from our market. Learn about interest rates, buyer activity, and more.

Today I’m conversing with Brian McKim from House America Financial about what’s been happening in the market over the last couple of months. First, we’ve seen a lot of volatility in the mortgage market. With the rise of the pandemic, interest rates increased, but they’ve decreased again since about mid-March. These changes have impacted borrower’s qualifications and affordability. Despite all the changes, right now rates are excellent right now. To learn more about our current market, watch our latest video above.

To reach out to Brain, see his contact info below:

Brian McKim

Senior Home Loan Consultant


(818) 421-4737 direct

(818) 844-8207 office

505 N Brand Blvd. Suite 1500

Glendale CA 9120

NMLS 381742 | Corp NMLS 239902