(818) 953-5300


Six tips to bring more people into your open house and make it succeed. 

It's time for your open house, so how do you make it successful? Consider this: What would you do if you were starting at zero, with no buyers or sellers, and you had to host an open house for a client that wants to purchase a home within 30 days? How would you treat this situation? Here are my tips for hosting a successful open house: 

1. Tell all the neighbors. It will intrigue them if they know they get the chance to help pick the next owner. 

2. Put up 10 or more open house signs. This will direct people to the open house. Also, you can put balloons on the signs to attract more attention.

3. Post on social media. Do this before and during the open house. 

4. Include a homebuyer's book. Teach people about the home-buying process so that they feel prepared to act. 

5. Include a guide with loans from your preferred lender. Your lender could even be there with you to make clients feel even more prepared and comfortable. 

6. Do a drawing. I prefer to use a gift card to Home Depot as the drawing prize. It could be $25, $50, or $100 to do some work on the home once it closes at escrow. 

If you have any questions or thoughts, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email or give me a call. I hope you have an open house that's very successful!