(818) 953-5300


Comparing April 2021 market data to where things are at today.

Today we want to give you a quick market comparison between April 2021 and April 2022.

For the Burbank, Glendale, and North Hollywood markets last year, we had 276 sales. This year we only had 210. That’s a 31% decrease. The average sales price was $995,000 in 2021. This year it's risen over 18% to $1,176,000. The average price per square foot last year was $621. This year it’s risen by over 18% to $738. Lastly, interest rates at this time last year were 3.169%. They are now at 5.357%. That’s quite a big jump!

If you have any questions about what’s going on in the market or how it affects you, reach out to us by phone or email. We'd love to hear from you.