(818) 953-5300


The secret to coming out ahead of your competition in 2023 starts with this.

It's time to prospect or become extinct. You need to double down on what worked for you in 2022. You also need to hang around people that are doing more business than you, and find a mentor to speak with. Having a coach will be very beneficial to you. Also, try to find some positive people to hang out with.

I heard 2023 is going to be tough. So be tough. Remember, 2022 was not your typical real estate market. I've been in the real estate business for over 43 years, and this is my fourth down market. Find some people that have been in the up and the down market. 

It’s possible to have a fantastic 2023. You just have to go out and do your job, prospect, be positive, and hang around big thinkers. If you have any questions about anything related to this topic, we’re always here. Give us a call or send an email. Have a fantastic 2023.