(818) 953-5300


Here’s what you need to know about buying in today’s market.

Are you searching for a home this summer, either for yourself or your family? It's important to be aware that there is currently a shortage of available properties in the market. Many clients we've spoken to locked in historically low interest rates during the pandemic and are hesitant to give up their rates, which are significantly lower than what's available today. Consequently, they have chosen to hold off on moving.

Due to this situation, you may not have as many options to choose from this summer. To ensure you don't miss out on the homes you're interested in, we recommend signing up for email alerts to stay informed. Once you receive these alerts, it's crucial not to wait until the weekend to visit the property because it may no longer be available or may have already received multiple offers.

Make sure you stay in touch with the market.”

Time is of the essence in this competitive market. If you come across a home you like, it's essential to act swiftly and schedule a viewing right away. If possible, try to visit the property on the same day you discover it. Additionally, consider discussing with your agent the possibility of expanding your search criteria, such as considering homes with fewer bedrooms or slightly adjusting your price range.

If you need help navigating this challenging market, please call or email us. We are always here to help!